What type of dentist does root canals?

Understanding Dental Specializations: What Type of Dentist Does Root Canals?

Root canal treatments are essential for saving teeth that are severely infected or damaged. This guide explores which type of dentist performs root canals, the procedures involved, and what patients can expect during and after the treatment.

Types of Dentists Who Perform Root Canals

Several dental professionals are qualified to perform root canals:

General Dentists

General dentists often perform root canals: Training: General dentists receive training in basic root canal procedures during dental school. Routine Cases: They typically handle straightforward root canal treatments.


Endodontists specialize in root canal therapy: Advanced Training: Endodontists complete additional training in endodontics after dental school. Complex Cases: They are experts in performing complex root canal procedures and managing difficult cases.

What is a Root Canal?

Understanding what a root canal involves can help alleviate patient anxiety:


A root canal is a dental procedure aimed at saving a severely infected or damaged tooth: Pulp Removal: The procedure involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp from inside the tooth. Cleaning and Sealing: The tooth's interior is then cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to prevent further infection.


Root canals are necessary when: Severe Decay: Deep decay reaches the tooth's pulp. Infection: An infection or abscess forms inside the tooth. Damage: The tooth is cracked or injured, exposing the pulp.

Steps Involved in a Root Canal Procedure

A root canal typically involves several key steps:

1. Diagnosis and Preparation

Initial examination and preparation: X-rays: Dentists take X-rays to assess the extent of the infection. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area.

2. Accessing the Pulp

Opening the tooth to access the pulp: Drilling: The dentist drills an opening in the tooth to reach the pulp chamber. Isolation: The area is isolated to keep it dry and clean.

3. Removing the Pulp

Extracting the infected or damaged pulp: Pulp Extraction: The dentist removes the pulp using specialized tools. Cleaning: The root canals are cleaned and disinfected.

4. Shaping and Filling

Shaping the canals and filling them: Shaping: The dentist shapes the canals to prepare them for filling. Filling: The canals are filled with a biocompatible material, usually gutta-percha.

5. Sealing and Restoring

Sealing the tooth and restoring its structure: Temporary Filling: A temporary filling is placed to seal the opening. Permanent Restoration: A crown or permanent filling is placed to restore the tooth’s function and appearance.

Physical Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy offers numerous physical benefits:

Pain Relief

Eliminates the source of pain: Pain Reduction: Removing the infected pulp alleviates pain and discomfort. Preventive Measure: Prevents further infection and the need for tooth extraction.

Tooth Preservation

Saves the natural tooth: Natural Appearance: Maintains the natural appearance of your smile. Function: Preserves the tooth's function for chewing and speaking.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Root canal therapy also impacts mental and emotional well-being:

Reduced Anxiety

Addresses fears of tooth loss: Confidence: Helps maintain self-confidence with a complete smile. Anxiety Reduction: Alleviates anxiety about dental health and appearance.

Improved Oral Health

Contributes to overall oral health: Prevention: Prevents the spread of infection to other teeth. Health Maintenance: Encourages regular dental visits and proactive care.

Summarizing the Key Points

Root canal therapy is performed by general dentists and endodontists, with endodontists specializing in more complex cases. The procedure involves removing infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and sealing the tooth, and restoring its function and appearance. Root canals offer physical benefits like pain relief and tooth preservation, and mental and emotional benefits such as reduced anxiety and improved oral health.


What type of dentist performs root canals?

Both general dentists and endodontists perform root canals, with endodontists handling more complex cases.

What is involved in a root canal procedure?

The procedure involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning and sealing the tooth, and restoring it with a crown or filling.

Why would I need a root canal?

A root canal is needed for severe tooth decay, infection, or damage that affects the tooth's pulp.

What are the benefits of a root canal?

Benefits include pain relief, preservation of the natural tooth, and maintenance of oral health.

How do I know if I need to see an endodontist?

Your general dentist will refer you to an endodontist if your case is complex or requires specialized treatment.

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