What does a tattoo of a tear mean?

What does a Tattoo of a Tear Mean? Understanding the Symbolism

Tear tattoos are one of the most recognizable and controversial tattoo designs, often associated with complex meanings and various interpretations. While they are commonly seen in pop culture and media, their significance can vary widely depending on the individual, context, and cultural background. This guide explores the different meanings behind a tear tattoo, the historical context, and considerations before getting one.

Origins and Historical Context of Tear Tattoos

The tear tattoo has deep roots in various subcultures, most notably within the prison system. However, over time, its symbolism has expanded and evolved, making it important to understand its origins before deciding on this tattoo.

Prison Culture

A Mark of Sorrow or Crime

In prison culture, a tear tattoo is often seen as a symbol of having committed a serious crime, such as murder. It can also represent the loss of a loved one or someone close. The tattoo is usually placed near the eye, symbolizing the idea of crying tears.

Gang Affiliation

A Sign of Loyalty or Membership

For some gangs, a tear tattoo can signify loyalty, membership, or having endured significant hardship. It may also indicate that the wearer has served time in prison or is mourning a fallen comrade.

Loss and Mourning

A Personal Tribute

Outside of the criminal context, tear tattoos are sometimes used to memorialize someone who has passed away. In this sense, the tattoo is a permanent reminder of grief, loss, or the impact of a significant person in the wearer’s life.

Modern Interpretations of Tear Tattoos

As tattoo culture has become more mainstream, the meaning of tear tattoos has diversified. While some still adhere to the traditional connotations, others adopt the design for personal reasons unrelated to crime or mourning.

Symbol of Hardship or Resilience

Overcoming Challenges

For some, a tear tattoo symbolizes personal struggles and resilience. It can be a representation of overcoming hardships, reflecting a journey through difficult times and emerging stronger.

Artistic Expression

Aesthetic Choice

In contemporary tattoo culture, the tear tattoo can also be purely an artistic choice, with individuals choosing the design for its simplicity and visual impact. In these cases, the tattoo may not carry any deep symbolic meaning but rather serve as a form of self-expression.

Media Influence

Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity culture has also influenced the popularity of tear tattoos. Some celebrities sport tear tattoos, influencing fans to get similar designs, often without understanding the traditional or deeper meanings associated with them.

Considerations Before Getting a Tear Tattoo

Given the strong associations and potential misinterpretations of tear tattoos, it’s essential to carefully consider your reasons and the potential social implications before getting one.

Understand the Symbolism

Make sure you fully understand the various meanings of a tear tattoo. If the design is linked to criminal activity or mourning, consider how it may be perceived by others in different settings, such as work or social environments.

Communicate Your Intentions

If you choose to get a tear tattoo, be prepared to explain your personal reasons for the design. This can help mitigate misunderstandings or negative judgments from those who may associate the tattoo with its traditional meanings.

Consider Alternatives

If you’re drawn to the aesthetic of a tear tattoo but are concerned about the associated meanings, consider alternative designs that represent your intentions more clearly. Consulting with a tattoo artist can help you find a symbol that resonates with your personal story.

Aftercare for Tear Tattoos

Like any tattoo, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the tattoo heals well and maintains its quality over time. Follow these aftercare tips for the best results:

Keep the Area Clean

Gently clean the tattooed area with mild soap and water, avoiding harsh scrubbing. Pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Protect your tattoo from direct sunlight during the healing process, as UV rays can cause the ink to fade and damage the skin.

Moisturize Regularly

Apply a thin layer of unscented moisturizer or a tattoo-specific ointment to keep the skin hydrated and promote healing.

Follow the Artist’s Instructions

Adhere to the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist, as they will be tailored to the specific needs of your tattoo and skin type.

When to Seek Professional Help

Signs of Infection

Addressing Complications

If you notice signs of infection, such as excessive redness, swelling, or discharge, seek medical attention immediately. Prompt treatment can prevent further complications.

Allergic Reactions

Dealing with Adverse Reactions

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to tattoo ink. If you experience severe itching, swelling, or rash, consult a healthcare professional for advice and treatment.

Summarizing the Key Points

A tear tattoo can carry a range of meanings, from symbolizing crime or loss to representing personal struggles or resilience. Its historical roots in prison and gang culture have influenced its perception, making it essential to consider the implications of getting such a tattoo. Whether for personal expression or memorialization, understanding the symbolism and potential social interpretations of a tear tattoo is crucial before making this permanent decision.


What does a tear tattoo under the eye mean?

A tear tattoo under the eye can symbolize a variety of things, including mourning the loss of a loved one, having committed a crime, or overcoming personal hardships. The specific meaning often depends on the individual’s personal story and cultural context.

Can anyone get a tear tattoo?

While anyone can technically get a tear tattoo, it’s important to consider the traditional meanings and how it may be perceived by others. It’s advisable to fully understand the implications before getting this design.

Are tear tattoos only associated with crime?

No, tear tattoos are not exclusively associated with crime. While they have roots in prison culture, they can also represent mourning, personal struggles, or simply be an artistic choice.

Is a tear tattoo considered offensive?

Depending on the context, a tear tattoo could be seen as controversial or misunderstood. It’s important to be aware of the social and cultural connotations attached to the design.

Should I see a professional for tear tattoo removal?

If you regret getting a tear tattoo or it no longer aligns with your values, professional tattoo removal is an option. Consult with a licensed dermatologist or tattoo removal specialist to discuss the best approach for your needs.


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